个人简介Personal Information
Ji Gao, Assistant Professor, Institute of Comparative Literature & Comparative Culture, Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Peking University.
研究方向 Research Interests
Early Modern French literature, the History of the Book, Sino-French cultural relations
联系方式 Contact Info
Department of Chinese Language & Literature (Bldg. 6, Lee Shau Kee Humanities Buildings), Peking University, 5 Yiheyuan Rd., Haidian Dist., Beijing, CHINA.
邮政编码 Zip Code:100871
Email: jigao@pku.edu.cn
2013-2019 美国芝加哥大学罗曼语言文学系,获博士学位,导师Philippe Desan
Ph.D. with honors, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, University of Chicago
2018-2019 法兰西公学院奖学金生(Collège de France Graduate Research Fellow)
2016-2017 法国巴黎高等师范学校(École Normale Supérieure)外国奖学金生(Pensionnaire étranger)
2011-2013 法国里昂高等师范学校现代文学系(法国文学专业),获硕士学位
M.A., Lettres modernes (littérature française), Summa cum laude, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2010-2013 北京大学外国语学院法语语言文学系,获硕士学位
M.A., Department of French Language & Literature, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University
2006-2010 北京大学外国语学院法语语言文学系,获学士学位
B.A., Department of French Language & Literature, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University
主讲课程Courses Taught
【本科生】(Undergraduate Level)
法国文学选读(Selected Readings in French Literature)
比较文学原理(Comparative Literature: An Overview)
【研究生】(Graduate Level)
比较文学与文学理论英文经典选读(Selected Readings in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory,英文讲授)
西方书籍史经典选读(Selected Readings in the History of the Book)
学术发表 Academic Publications
【学术译著 Academic Translations】
夏尔·巴托,《归结为同一原理的美的艺术》,高冀译,北京:商务印书馆,2022年。(First Chinese Translation of Charles Batteux’s Les beaux-arts réduits à un même principe, published in 2022)
埃里希·奥尔巴赫,《奥尔巴赫伊斯坦布尔讲稿:罗曼语语文学导论》,高冀译,北京:商务印书馆(即将出版)(First Chinese Translation of Erich Auerbach’s Introduction aux études de philologie romane, forthcoming)
【期刊论文和专书章节 Journal Articles and Book Sections】
2.Ji Gao, “La représentation de Jeanne d’Arc dans la France du XVIe siècle: Politique, religion et genre dans L’Histoire tragique de la Pucelle d’Orléans (1580)”, Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures (A&HCI), Volume 77, Issue 3, 2023, p. 156-170.
5.Ji Gao, “La réception de La Fontaine en Chine”, Le Fablier, n° 33, 2022, p. 15-28.
7.Ji Gao, “Between Religious Opportunism and Commercial Strategy. Benoît Rigaud ( ?-1597) and Publishers in the City of Lyon”, Dorothea Heitsch & Jeremie C. Korta (ed.), Early Modern Visions of Space : France and Beyond, Chapel Hill: U.N.C. Department of Romance Studies, 2021, p. 345-362.
8.Ji Gao, “Quelques thèmes récurrents dans la représentation de Montaigne en Chine durant l’ère républicaine (1912-1949)”, Jean Balsamo & Amy Graves (ed.), Global Montaigne, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2021, p. 707-721.
9.Philippe Desan & Ji Gao, “Qui parle ? La voix du secrétaire dans le Journal du voyage en Italie de Montaigne”, Studi di letteratura francese, Vol. 43, 2018, p. 11-32.
10.Ji Gao, “Publier la Bible durant les guerres de religion : Roville et les libraires lyonnais”, Questes n°38 (Formes et usages de la Bible au Moyen Âge), Paris, Presses universitaires de la Sorbonne, 2018, p. 119-139.
11.Ji Gao, “La réception de Montaigne en Chine”, Montaigne Studies, Vol. 28, 2016, p. 165-188.
12.Ji Gao, “Translating Homer in the French Renaissance: The 1584 French Verse Translation of the Iliad”, Ada Palmer (ed.), Homer Among the Moderns – Volumes from the Bibliotheca Homerica Langiana, San Francisco: Blurb, 2015, p. 239-250.
【书评、随笔和综述 Book Reviews, Essays, Reports, etc. 】
1.Ji Gao, Review of Ma Bibliothèque poétique: Deuxième partie; Ronsard (vol. 2), by Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller, The Sixteenth Century Journal (A&HCI), Volume 1, No. 2, Summer 2019, p. 588-589.
4.高冀,《<普通语言学问题>五十年— 2016本维尼斯特纪念研讨会综述》,《外国美学》第26辑,江苏教育出版社2017年版。
5.Ji Gao, “Raphael Refigured”, in Classicisms. Eds. Larry Norman and Anne Leonard. David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, the University of Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017, p. 147-149.
科研项目Academic Research Projects
学术兼职 Professional Affiliations
Early Modern French Studies(A&HCI期刊)编委(唯一一位亚洲编委)
北京大学法国文化研究中心(Centre Etiemble)成员、“法兰西思想文化丛书”(生活·读书·新知三联书店出版)编委会成员
荣誉与奖励 Honors and Awards
芝加哥大学罗曼语言文学系托马斯·帕维尔基金奖Thomas Pavel Endowment Fund Award(2016)
芝加哥大学罗曼语言文学系莫顿和伊丽莎白·巴库斯法语奖 Morton and Elizabeth Backus Prize in French(2014)
法国里昂高等师范学校安培优秀国际学生奖Bourse d’excellence Ampère(2012-2013)